All You Need to Know About Horse Fence Installation

horse fences ranch san diego

Horses are amazing animals, but they definitely have a tendency to wander off if not fenced in properly. We at Legend Fence Corp. in San Diego CA have put together this article to explain all the options available to horse owners, and don’t forget to give us a call for all of your San Diego horse fence installation needs!

What types of horse fences are available?

There are several different options available when it comes to horse fences. While they all do the basic job of fencing in a field, some are more appropriate than others depending on your needs. The benefit of hiring Legend Fence Corp is that we have all this information to hand to help you make the best decision.

Wooden Board Fences

Possibly the least expensive option for San Diego horse fence installation are wooden board fences. Board fences are sustainable, easy to fit, and are a good option for covering large areas. Most importantly, wooden board fences are resilient and can withstand the kind of treatment a horse is likely to give them.

However, the major drawback of wooden fences is that they need maintenance. They must be inspected and treated at least once a year to keep them in good condition. Without maintenance you can expect a wooden fence to last 10 years or so, but if you care for it properly then it can last 3 or 4 times as long!

Rail Fencing

Another good option for San Diego horse fence installation is rail fencing. It looks very similar to a wooden fence, except the horizontal boards are replaced with 5-inch wide strips of vinyl. The obvious benefit here is that they’re much lower maintenance and require next to no annual treatment.

The vinyl strips are kept under tension, meaning they still provide an excellent barrier, even against the liveliest horse. The initial cost is significantly higher than a wooden fence, but this is offset against its low maintenance.

Woven Wire Fencing

Woven wire fences are fairly self-explanatory: they consist of rolls of resilient woven wire held up by wooden posts. The grid size makes it impossible for all but the smallest animals to pass through, making it a much more efficient barrier than the above options.

Poly Coat Fencing

Poly coat fencing is basically a combination between a rail fence and a wire fence. Strips of poly coated high-tensile wire are attached to wooden posts and run along the perimeter of the field. The main benefits of this option are high visibility and the resilience of the wire used, which can withstand constant attention from any horse.


If you’re looking for San Diego horse fence installation, look no further than Legend Fence Corp. We have over 20 years in the fence installation business, and have the expertise needed for you to get the most out of your next fencing project. If you have any questions about the best type of horse fence for your situation, or would like to discuss installation, contact us today.

How To Clean And Maintain Aluminum Fences

Aluminum is a great material for household fencing because it’s fairly inexpensive, it’s rust resistant and it will last as long as you need it to. However, that doesn’t mean you can ignore it completely after installation. Some basic cleaning is required.

We at Legend Fence Corp are great believers in proper maintenance of quality fencing materials. To help you out, we’ve put together a guide on how to clean an aluminum fence to keep it looking its best.

Before Cleaning

As with almost any other cleaning project, there are a few things to do before you break out the sponge and soapy water. First, cut back any vegetation that might be in your way. Unlike wooden fencing, aluminum fences won’t really be damaged by plants, but they make the act of cleaning much harder. If there are any plants you’re keen to keep, just try tying them out of the way for now.

Next, use this opportunity to give your fence a close inspection. Look out for any signs of damage, corrosion (particularly around screws or bolts), chipped paintwork, or loose railings. Replace any damaged screws before cleaning, and make note of any paint damage to be touched up later.

Quick Fence Cleaning

For a quick clean to just remove dust and splash marks, go over the fence with a hose. This should be enough to remove just superficial dirt and grime, but consider using a damp cloth to get rid of any tree sap or pollen.

Deep Cleaning Aluminum Fencing

At least once a year it’s worth giving your aluminum fence a more thorough cleaning. However, this really isn’t much more effort. Spray the fence with a hose to wet it, and then go along with a sponge and soapy water, starting at the top and working down. Be sure to use a soft sponge and just mild dish soap.

If you notice a build-up of a white, powdery substance, this is completely normal. It’s simply what happens to the fence’s coating over time. This will come off as you clean and can be polished up to a nice shine again.

After washing the fence, hose it down again. Finally, it’s worth paying attention to gate hinges and fence fasteners. Now is a good time to oil the hinges, which can be done either with a standard lubricant or some car or floor wax. Simply rub this into the hinges with a cloth once the fence is dry.


Cleaning an aluminum fence really is that easy! As mentioned, we’d recommend cleaning it once a year, ideally in the spring so it can look nice for the coming season.

If during your initial inspection you notice that your fence is looking a bit worse for wear, it might be time to fit a new one. Don’ worry, Legend Fence Corp has you covered for all your aluminum fence installation needs. So if you think it might be time to install a new fence on your property, then don’t hesitate to contact us today! Call us today for a free estimate at (619) 282-6000. We’re here to help.

Tips for Pool Fence Installation

With the summer season fast approaching, it’s nearly time to get outside and start enjoying your pool. However, having the pool is only the first step. Before letting your family into the backyard, it’s important to make sure your pool is properly secured with a fence.

We at Legend Fence Corp are experts in all things fence related, so we’ve put together a handy guide for making your pool fence installation a breeze. However, if you’d rather get someone in to do it, then consider calling us for your pool fence installation in San Diego.

What to do before installing your pool fence

Pool fence installation in San Diego isn’t as simple as buying a fence and putting it up. Before you even select which materials will be best, you need to spend some time preparing the ground area around your pool. Begin by clearing away any pool furniture and decorations, as the last thing you want is a congested workspace.

Once that’s been done, make sure the ground is clear of any vegetation, which might require relocation of some of your favorite plants. Ideally the area should have a wide enough space around it that the fence can easily be installed, although you can always add some plants back in at a later date.

Next, decide on the layout of your pool fence. Along with size and shape, you should also consider where the gates will be, and the fence’s height. For a pool fence, waist height should be appropriate in most situations, although if you have energetic pets or adventurous children you might want to go a bit higher.

When it comes to materials, you have plenty of options. While wood is the least expensive, it also requires regular maintenance. At the other end of the scale you have vinyl fencing which is low maintenance. Chain-link or iron fencing is somewhere in the middle, and is both resilient and pleasing to look at.

DIY fence installation or hiring a contractor?

When it comes to pool fence installation in San Diego, it can be tempting to just do the job yourself. While doing it yourself has the potential to save you money, this can often be offset against you needing to buy tools and equipment for the job. Similarly, it can take a lot of time to do it yourself.

Hiring a contractor for your pool fence installation, however, comes with a number of benefits. Even though it might be a higher initial cost, the benefit is that you get the experience of a professional fence installation company, which often means the job gets done more quickly.

If you’re looking for professional pool fence installation in San Diego, look no further than Legend Fence Corp. We have the expertise to offer the correct fence type and materials to suit your needs, and can get the job done quickly and efficiently. On top of this, we can provide all the necessary information to keep your fence going for years after installation.

Barbed Wire Chain Link Fence

Barbed Wire Chain Link Fence – High security fencing keeping intruders and animals away. We’re here to answer any questions you may have. (619) 282-6000

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